Responsive Vs Adaptive web design

The web developers have been facing a hot issue that revolves around the accessibility of the websites in devices other than the laptop and the standard desktop. The usage of tablets, mobile devices and other similar gadgets have been growing faster in this generation and all the websites have been designing their web pages to fit the best with the small screens as well. The responsive web design and adaptive web design are the two ways to create a website that can work on a mobile device. Below mentioned are the differences that exist between them.

Responsive Web Design

A responsive web design can quickly adapt to the screen size in which the website gets loaded and it can change according to the content that appears on a page. For example, if a page has contents with images on them, then the responsive web design can portray the contents one by one with the images below them so that the users can read the content and take a look at the image at the same time. Companies such as XCITE offer responsive web design as one of their services. This method has been the popular choice of many businesses for years now. This makes the users read the content comfortably and browse through the website without facing any kind of problem with them. In responsive web design, the page is directly sent to the browser in which it has been loaded by the user and it automatically modifies the appearance of the page. The biggest advantage of RWD is that it can consume only a few minutes of your daily work to update them.

Adaptive Web Design

In adaptive web design, the web pages would change and fit perfectly on the screen of the device in which it’s been browsed by the user. The adaptive web design can fit perfectly on both large and small screens, irrespective of the screen size. The adaptive web design stays with the server side and it is the server that does all the work from detecting the mobile device to loading the exact style sheet that can make the website load on any device. The layout is adaptive web designs changes depending upon the screen size and adapts to the screens even if it no retina display on them. The server has the ability to detect this and it displays the highest quality of the images that can be viewed by the user. A Professional website designer could provide businesses with such adaptive web design services, which can help them generate more leads and acquire re-returning clients.

Comparison and distinction between RWD and AWD

Before selecting a particular design, it is recommended to hire experts from a reputed web design company who can suggest you the best design ideas related to your business. For example, if you want to open an online store, an ecommerce website development company can assist you in creating a user-friendly and interactive website. Coming back to RWD and AWD, the biggest similarity between these two methods is that they can make the users view the websites on their mobile devices even if their screen size is a small or large. They both provide the best user experience for the visitors and make them comfortable to go through the web pages. The Responsive web design relies on a flexible and fluid grid while the Adaptive Web Design relies on predefined screen size. The major distinction between responsive web design and adaptive web design is that, RWD would take more code to implement the fluid grids, while AWD can be easily used with layers that can be utilized while adapting it to various devices with their screen sizes. The major downside of AWD is that the initial construction would cost more as you need to make many different kinds of layouts that can make your website stay fit on any screen size. Maintaining and updating the layouts can take more time too.

First thing you need to do in order to get done a top class website for your business is to find out the right agency. You can find a lot of web design agencies from across the globe who do adhere to the latest web design trends. But if you have a very limited budget, hiring leading agencies in Europe and the Americas would be hard. Another option to get designed a top class website at a very affordable rate is to outsource your web design project to a good website design agency in India. Acodez is a multiple-award-winning web design agency who stands out in the web design India market. With top-class works at very affordable rates, Acodez is a real worth for money. Check out their portfolio here

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